Delaware Valley HIMSS is a diverse group of healthcare professionals dedicated to enriching our members’ career experiences through educational and informational events. Our membership spans Central Pennsylvania through the tri-state metropolitan area around Philadelphia. Although our members are from a variety of organizations, many are decision-makers. They range from CEOs, CIOs, and other senior executives to analysts and students.
What is our purpose?
To offer meetings that provide an opportunity to share ideas and exchange experiences in the field of healthcare information and management systems; To assist members of this Chapter and others in developing their knowledge, increasing their effectiveness, and maintaining high-quality standards of performance through continuing education; To plan and conduct educational programs that promote an understanding of information and management systems work in healthcare. We offer 3-4 short educational programs, usually 5 to 6-hour programs, throughout the year. In addition, we try to offer ongoing focus groups related to specific topics. Our educational programs are designed to share expert knowledge and facilitate networking among our members. Some of the programs’ topics have included:
- Electronic Health Records – Implementation Experiences
- Clinical Device Integration
- Regional CIO Forum
- ePrescribing
- Medication Reconciliation
- Information Technology Trends
- Security
DV HIMSS always appreciates the contributions of sponsors from the healthcare community to help defer the cost of the chapter’s programs. Chapter sponsorships last for 12 months, beginning on the date of payment.
- Six attendees per event
- Logo placement on Sponsor acknowledgment at each event
- Sponsor acknowledgment on DV HIMSS
website - Display table at events on a first-come-first-
serve basis - Post company on up to 3 events on DV HIMSS
on-line events calendar - Post a whitepaper or profile / topic on the DV HIMSS website
- 10% discount to Sponsors of both DV HIMSS
and NJ HIMSS - Verbal acknowledgment at events
- Opportunity to introduce keynote speakers
with board approval
- Four attendees per event
- Logo placement on Sponsor acknowledgment at each event
- Sponsor acknowledgment on DV HIMSS
website - Display table at events on a first-come-first-
serve basis - Post company on up to 2 events on DV HIMSS
on-line events calendar - Post a whitepaper or profile / topic on the DV HIMSS website
- 10% discount to Sponsors of both DV HIMSS
- Two attendees per event
- Logo placement on Sponsor acknowledgment at each event
- Sponsor acknowledgment on DV HIMSS
website - Display table at events on a first-come-first-
serve basis